The Explorer Outlook

For the travel-keen and time-lean

About me

Hi! I’m Judith. Welcome to The Explorer Outlook!

I’m living in a constant paradox. My life’s mission is to travel as much of the world as possible, but I have a full-time corporate job in London which means I have limited time to travel.

The Explorer Outlook is a blog for the travel-keen and time lean. In other words, people who want to explore the world as efficiently as possible within the limits of their annual leave, PTO allowance or other commitments. Swap Microsoft Outlook for an explorer outlook – you’ll find lots of inspiration in this blog for time-poor, energy-rich travellers like you and me!

I also love to read books about where I’m travelling. Check out my book blog,, for travel reading inspiration.

Please feel free to subscribe to my blog below and/or get in touch on my Contact page. Thanks for visiting The Explorer Outlook!

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